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It's a brand new system where you will face Stone Type monsters and you will need special items to fight against them. You will always hit 10,000 to Stone Type monsters as base damage. Your equipment or what you wear doesn't matter. You need to have items with "Increased damage to stone type monsters by x%" buffs. You can craft Helmet, Mask, Accessories, Resistances and Amulet with these mentioned buffs. You can upgrade these until +5. (Upgrade chance is 100% to success) or you can simply get Premium Versions of the mentioned items from Fortune Wheel which gives "Increased damage to stone type monsters by 150%" and these aren't upgradeable.

Stone Equipment


You can get the Premium Stone Equipment from the Stope Coupon NPC in Port Alveus for 2 Stone Coupons each.

Stone Upgrade Scroll can be crafted in Stone Area in Prestige 6.

Items+1 Craft & Buff+2 Craft & Buff+3 Craft & Buff+4 Craft & Buff+5 Craft & Buff
Stone Bracelet

Stone Necklace

Stone Ring
ImageImage Image x5
20% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x10
40% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x15
60% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x25
80% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x30
100% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
Stone Breaker Amulet

Stone Breaker Gloves

Stone Breaker Shoes
ImageImage Image x5
20% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x10
40% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x15
60% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x25
80% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x30
100% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
Stone Helmet

Stone Mask
ImageImage Image x5
20% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x10
40% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x15
60% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x25
80% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters
ImageImage Image x30
100% Dmg Increase to "Stone" Type Monsters

Stone Damage Calculations

Here's an example of how damage calculation works:

  • Base dmg: 10,000
  • Item 1 (100%): 20,000 (Total 100%)
  • Item 2 (150%): 35,000 (Total 250%)
  • Item 3 (50%): 40,000 (Total 300%)
  • Item 4 (20%): 42,000 (Total 320%)

Stone Map

Stone Drops

Image Green Dragon Crystal Obtainable from Meteorite Chunk
Image Red Dragon Crystal Obtainable from Small Tombstone
Image Yellow Dragon Crystal Obtainable from Big Tombstone
Image Lucky Stone Obtainable from Dragon Crystal Stone


You will need those items to craft useful equipment that will help you deal damage to Stones.